Business Advice


Business start-up and expansion


I can help you deal smoothly with the whole process of setting up a new business or expanding an existing one. Crucial areas will involve deciding the right structure for your business, be it a sole trade, partnership or limited company, and budgeting and funding the business. There will also be all the paperwork required, depending on the structure you chose to adopt and the requirements of any external funders you have. And there is the all-important business plan and cash flow projections together with follow-up monitoring of results.


Contact me for a free consultation as early as possible when starting a new business to ensure a sound business from the outset.


Business planning


Whether you are looking for funding to expand, moving into a new field or looking to hand on your business, I can help you to plan for the next stage of your business cycle. By getting to know you and your business I can work with you to get the best out of your efforts.





We provide a personal service to all our clients


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